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Buddies introduction

As parents of six wonderful children, four of whom have a learning disability and / or autism, we have, like many other parents/carers,  experienced numerous difficulties in finding suitable care and provision for their individual needs. Over the past 36 years, we have migrated from child services, education, 0-25, transitioning into adulthood and then into the uncertain world of adult services, and this was where things became even more challenging.


This is an ongoing issue for many parents and carers here in South Gloucestershire, Bristol, and the surrounding area.  We believe that there is a real need for quality and appropriate provision of adult day care, which we and many other parents and carers agree, is very difficult to find, and even more difficult so to access.


For this reason, we set up BUDDIES, an adult day service for people with conditions such as, but not limited to, a Learning Disability, Chromosomal Deletion Syndromes, Autism / Asperger's, Mental Health Diagnosis, Sensory Impairment, Acquired Brain Injury.


Buddies aim to promote an environment of creativity and belonging, inspiring our strap line ‘our place, our space’.  Buddies is exactly that, a safe place to explore, challenge, motivate and encourage our “buddies” in a way they find engaging and highly enjoyable.  Our service is led by the needs and preferences of our "buddies", we encourage them to work with us to design the service that they want and not a timetable of events and activities we have put together "for" them.



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